Hosted Live

Option One - Tuesday Sept 20th, 7pm EST
Option Two - Wednesday Sept 21st, 12pm EST

When you sign up you'll receive live call details and the PDF workbook via email.


90 minutes to change your next 90 days.

You find time for the things that are most important to you... at least, you want to. Start here. In 1.5 hours, find out how to make room in the next three months for what's really important to you.

In the call, we discuss a simplified approach to planning, plus there's focused time for individual action throughout. You'll get a clearer picture of your next three months and meet other enthusiastic planning partygoers from around the world.


You're not the only one

Are you tired of...
— Struggling to get ahead
— Feeling overwhelmed with your schedule
— Feeling like your business is taking over your life
— Having goals you don't know how you'll ever accomplish
— Wondering how to create a plan you can actually implement
— Wishing you had accountability to stick to your plans


You're in great company.

Join me and others on the same journey as we set aside real, live, time to plan proactively. We'll reflect on our priorities, plan for what's most important, and look at how to incorporate personal and business goals into the next quarter.


She said, she said.

What others planning party-ers are saying

“I distinctly remember my first planning party as being the most overwhelming experience. Because I was trying to plan 5 years worth of work in 90 minutes to do in 3 months worth of time. No wonder it was overwhelming! The one thing planning parties have really helped me with the most is understanding my capacity. Knowing what I can achieve while living my life with the intention that I want to live it with..”

— Ashley

“Planning parties revealed that I needed to give myself a designated day to work on my own business versus doing things in little pieces in between clients. It revolutionized the way I plan my work week and has helped my grow leaps and bounds in my personal businesses and not just help my clients.”

— Jennifer

Not sure what you would plan?

Here are some examples of what you could plan in 90 minutes
— Plan your next launch
— Create a new schedule to support your goals
— Develop a plan for eating healthy and meal planning
— Build routines that will help you accomplish your big goals
— Create a full project plan for the next big thing
— Organize a big event


About your host

Kathryn Hofer, Modern Planner is passionate about helping others live an intentional life. With almost two decades of experience executing live events, organizing teams and projects, and running a non-profit, she has focused the last eight years on educating others about the value of planning. Recently referred to as the ‘champion of boundaries and guilt-free intentional living’ she is passionate about helping overwhelmed and overworked women slow down, create space for what matters and make progress towards the most important things. One plan at a time.


What we'll cover

Let's learn what we can from the past. Looking at the last quarter to see what worked and what didn't will help us know what to adjust moving forward.

We can't do everything at once (although we try). So, we'll revisit our vision and goals for the year and shift our focus to what's most important!

Once we've determined our priorities, the next step is to create a detailed plan we can actually execute over the coming months.

Put it in the calendar! Visual reminders help keep us on track so we make the time for the actions we want to accomplish.


She said, she said.

What others planning party-ers are saying


“Every little thing you mentioned was helpful to me, because I'm totally not a natural planner, but love the feeling of being well prepared and have that “birds eye view” on the coming weeks. It gave me step-by-step advice to follow and therefore clarity.”

— Jacqueline

“My first planning party I would shove everything possible into a project plan. Not give myself any grace. Promise that I would be consistent for the next 3 months on everything. Now, I want to have one or two objectives and I want to make sure that I have time for all of the family time that I want, all of the movement and enough time to cook my own meals and all of that stuff. I think honestly it’s the grace and joy that comes from planning now. There’s not the crazy cycle of overachieving. Planning is actually enjoyable.”

— Megan

“Planning parties are overwhelming the first three times. But it gets better, it really does. And what I love about PP is that I get everything that needs to be done on paper. We actually schedule the time to get it done, which is huge. And what it’s allowed me to do is the margin to do the things I want to do. I know I'm going to get everything done that needs to get done. So I don’t feel the weight of not getting things accomplished anymore. It is just freeing.”

— Jac


Hosted Live

Option One - Tuesday Sept 20th, 7pm EST
Option Two - Wednesday Sept 21st, 12pm EST

When you sign up you'll receive live call details and the PDF workbook via email.