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The guilt-free guide to making real progress this year.


Do you feel guilty for not doing ‘enough’ this year?

Are you being hard on yourself for just letting life happen and stalling your progress?

Tired of choosing a word for the year and never acting on it?

Are you constantly frustrated by your lack of progress when others seem to be ahead?

Do you feel like you didn’t accomplish much this year?

Or, maybe you’re ready to give up on goal setting altogether....


If you find planning for a month overwhelming, much less an entire year—you are not alone.

Let me say that again—

You. Are. Not. Alone.

I know what it’s like to feel frustrated by lack of progress, to be in constant physical pain, to battle depression, and to allow those circumstances to keep me focused on what I didn’t accomplish. 

I also know what it’s like to be a perfectionist trying to give my best at everything only to find out those impossible standards were being put there, most of the time, by me.

Here’s the long and short of it; a year can seem so vast and empty in January, while seeming to have flown by when December arrives.

So often we are tempted to—

  • Wipe the slate clean at the start of a new year and just start over

  • Sleep for an entire year so we don’t have to face the next 12 months

  • Allow others to determine our career and choices, simply because we didn’t take charge

  • Focus on what DIDN’T happen this year and live in regret

  • Hold ourselves up to impossible standards and expectations

  • Stress over the holidays about everyone else having a plan for the new year, and not us.

Quite a few years ago, I made a choice to NOT live that way anymore.

To start shifting my mentality and make purposeful choices. I had to shift from ‘here and now’ thinking to a longer term view of my life. 

Rather than just jumping in the car and starting to drive like I used to, I started thinking about where I wanted to go. I thought about what I might want to have on the drive with me, and pulling up my destination on Google Maps before backing out of the driveway.

In a similar way, I started imagining what life could be like if… and things started changing.

Now imagine—

  • If you never had to create annual goals again.

  • Being confident in your own decision-making.

  • Being empowered to make changes and shift the direction of your life.

  • Celebrating the wins, and staying focused on what you did accomplish.

  • Not comparing yourself to others, but staying in your own lane.

  • Building on the past and what did work to propel you forward next year.

  • Thinking about your life dreams, and making decisions today that will get you there.

  • And, feeling incredibly fulfilled and guilt-free this time next year.

Finally, a unique framework that replaces annual goal setting and resolutions.


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The guilt-free guide to making progress this year.


Watch the overview video above


Meet your planning partner, Kathryn


Kathryn Hofer is the founder of Modern Planner, an online community designed to take the dread out of planning and help people live more intentionally. Lovingly referred to as the “champion of boundaries and guilt-free intentional living”, Kathryn is passionate about helping overwhelmed and overworked people slow down, create space for what matters, and make meaningful progress toward their goals.

When she isn’t hosting Quarterly and Monthly Planning Parties or connecting with the members of her community, you can probably find Kathryn hanging out with her family, spending time outside or curled up with a good book.


Ashley's experience:

Ashley Cox The Quarterly Testimonial

Ashley Cox
Leadership Mentor & Author

“I went through Set Vision & Plan Change last year and created Experience Statements for 2019. I was totally suspect of this process (especially having spent a decade in the corporate world where SMART goals were THE way of life!)”

“Being at the end of the year now, I can say I'm 100% convinced that these experience statements (and revisiting them every single month during Planning Parties - and in my weekly CEO reports where I reflect on my progress for each statement) are why I was able to accomplish so many incredible things this year, even though we experience unexpected loss this summer.”

“I know how different this process feels. But isn't that what you're looking for? Something that's different than what you've been doing. Something that doesn't leave you filled with regret at the end of the year. Something that helps you live a more intentional and purposeful life.

— Ashley Cox


You may know what you've been doing hasn't been working.

I can relate to how different and uncomfortable it can be to make changes. 

Quite a few years ago, on my journey out of depression, chronic pain and perfectionism, I realized I needed a new way to create a vision and plan for a year. New Year’s Resolutions and SMART goals were just not cutting it, and they were feeding the cycle of guilt, high expectations, and perfectionism I had been working so hard to avoid. 

So I sat down and started creating my own system for celebrating my wins, focusing on the good, deciding what was most important, and creating a guilt-free way for making progress in my life. A system that was encouraging, uplifting, and was ultimately moving me in the direction I wanted to be headed.

Guess what? 

It worked! 

So, I tried it again the next year. 

I shared it with some friends, tried it with my husband, and did multiple early beta tests with groups of people just like you. With the feedback I’ve received, it’s now better than ever.

For the last number of years it has become one of the most life-changing, transformative programs I offer to my community of ambitious entrepreneurs and executives just like you.


What is this course all about?

Stepping back and getting a big picture view of your life.

Rather than always being caught up in the day to day details.

Deciding where you want to go, and where your destination for you life is this year.

Rather than just reacting to what life throws your way.

Creating a strong vision that resonates with you and will ground you all year long.

Rather than changing things up each month and feeling like you’re getting no where.

Determining your priorities now, and determining what is truly most important.

Rather than letting shiny object syndrome get the better of you.

Planning a simple set of actions to help you make real progress.

Rather than setting unrealistic expectations and deadlines.


Tianna's experience:

Tianna Yentzer The Quarterly Testimonial

tianna yentzer
Photographer & Life Coach

“It was so great to really reflect on the year. I'm a personality that is always striving for more and always looking toward the next step. It wasn't until Set Vision & Plan Change that I saw how much progress I had made in the year and really forced myself to celebrate that!”

“I loved creating the experience statements for 2019 and writing out some practical steps to achieve them. I really love that I can look back on those in my weekly review to see how I am accomplishing what I set out to do and see where I may need to make changes or put in a little more effort. It really keeps me on track. Before doing Set Vision & Plan Change, I would choose a word of the year and go strong for a few weeks. Remember it every so often but honestly not really PURSUE it. Now with experience statements I can see where I want changes and have ways to make them an actuality.”

“I love looking forward to this year ahead knowing my goals, intentions and priorities have been set with practical DOABLE ways to achieve them. In past years I've approached the new year wary and confused and now I'm excited and firm in my resolve!”

— Tianna Yentzer


What other's are saying:


“Being able to figure out my priorities and set some simple goals has been super helpful. I can’t wait to go through the whole course!”

— Kaitlyn

“Even though I only got through assessing the "health" sections, I already feel like I have a better understanding of where I have been spending my time, and where I want to make different choices. I can't wait to complete the prep work and finalize my focus areas for 2019!”

— Sarah

“It was helpful for me to see the impact that my current choices and actions have on other areas of my life. Thank you!”

— Amy

“My biggest take-away is that it doesn't have to be complicated. I can let complicated and control go and opt instead for simple changes to my strategies and still see significant impact.”

— Christine


This program is for you if…

You are frustrated with your most recent attempts to plan your year
You are ready to try something new even if it might challenge you
You want to let go of guilt for not doing ‘enough’ each year
You’re looking for a framework you can follow so you don’t have to piece it all together yourself
You’re willing to put in the time to do the work, and walk through the process thoughtfully

This program probably won’t benefit you if…

You just want a quick fix that will set you up for the year
You’ve got your annual planning and vision setting down to a tee
You aren’t looking for an alternative to what you’re doing
You love piecing together resources from all over the internet
You aren’t ready to let go of guilt, shame or self doubt

Consider this my personal invitation to you

Join Set Vision & Plan Change and step out of the cycle of guilt, expectations, and perfectionism—and into a place of vision that is safe and empowering, and be guided in a way that has been proven to lead to progress not perfection.

Because, progress IS perfection


What you learn in each of the modules:

Module 1: Getting Started

— How to get the most out of the program
— Setting yourself up for success during this process

Module 2: A Time To Reflect

— Understand how taking the time to answer questions can make all the difference
— Learn why documenting throughout the year can be invaluable
— Complete hand picked questions and prompts

Module 3: Key Areas Of Life

— Learn why it's so easy to lose our focus throughout the year
— How seasons of life shift our focus
— How broad our life really is (it's not just a couple things we're focusing on right now)

Module 4: A Reality Check

— Tips for becoming more objective with our life
— Identify some key questions for evaluating where we are at
— Learn what areas to focus on moving forward

Module 5: Set A Clear Vision

— 4 myths about prioritizing
— A phrase that is an absolute game changer
— The simple shift of how we talk about goals and how it can change your life

Module 6: Select A Focus Word

— 3 possible ways you could choose a word for the year
— How a simple phrase can keep you focused all year long
— Why you might not keep your word all year, and that’s ok

Module 7: Plan For Lasting Change

— Why having a vision isn’t usually enough and what else you need
— How keeping it simple will win every time

Module 8: Make Steady Progress

— 4 simple strategies to making genuine progress


Questions answered:

I’ve set resolutions and goals for years and have never kept them. How is this different?

Let's change the game. By creating a clear direction and focus for the year, you will be grounded all year long so you can continue to take action. No more unmet goals and broken resolutions. Just a simple roadmap for the year ahead and practical next steps you can take so you keep making progress.

When I focus on one area of my life I feel like everything else falls apart. Can I actually have balance in my life?

Wearing so many hats can be exhausting. Which is why focusing less on each of the roles, and rather ourselves as one person is so important. Through this program you'll gain insight on the areas of life you need to focus on the most this year, how they overlap with each other and how to keep your focus simple.

Detailed planning for the year has never worked for me.

You're in luck! This process is not about creating a detailed plan. We're stepping back, creating vision, deciding what's most important and creating a simple plan that will easy for you to follow and adjust throughout the year.

I’m too busy this time of year to do anything. How can I make time to do this?

Completing this program will be an investment of time, however the time you invest will give back to you through out the year with clarity, focus, action, living guilt-free—allowing you to be in control of your time and schedule.

Why is this course better than other similar courses about annual goal setting?

A major focus for Modern Planner and all the courses and training I provide is creating guilt-free experiences that encourage people to take the action they want to take. It's about progress, and taking small steps in the direction you want to go. It's about a community that is supportive in whatever progress you make, as you create a plan and live a regret-free year.

Terms and Policies

Set Vision & Plan Change™ and all content provided herein is the intellectual property of Kathryn Hofer (Modern Planner) and is protected by Canadian trademark and copyright law.

You may not remove any trademark, copyright, or other notice from the content. You may not market or sell the content or any derivative works based on the content. By making your purchase, you agree to abide by these terms and by the Modern Planner Terms of Service.


Brogan's experience:

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Brogan Micallef
Helps entrepreneurs make content uncomplicated

“I don't think I've ever felt so relaxed + excited for a new year. Set Vision & Plan Change has this insane ability to be really in-depth, but calming + inspiring at the same time.”

“THE WHOLE THING was my favourite part of the course. But if I have to pick - the Reality Check and Experience Statements sections.”

“Reality Check: I love how this "forced" me to focus on ALL areas of my life, rather than just the ones I wanted to focus on.”

Experience Statements: Probably my fave way of setting goals. EVER. They feel so encouraging + achievable yet are still going to push me. And I really like the focus on how you want to feel rather than hard numbers or SMART goals (which make me feel nauseous).”

“And the idea of having experience statements rather than more traditional goals is AMAZING. They feel more powerful because it's clear how working towards these statements will completely change your life. It's more long-term-life-improvement than short-term-don't-really-see-the-point-of-this-goal-and-I'll-hate-it-in-3-months-anyway which you can get from traditional goal setting.


— Brogan Micallef
