Next Monthly Planning Party

Friday, FEBRUARY 23 — 2:00Pm EST (90 MINS) 


1 Month $25 CAD (approx $20 USD)


Plan ahead to get ahead.

Have you found it hard to set aside time to look ahead? This 90—min planning call includes a simplified approach to planning as well as focused time for individual action through-out. You'll have a clear action plan for the month ahead, and have accountability to accomplish your plans from the other partygoers.


get ahead on life

Do you
— Struggle planning ahead
— Feel overwhelmed with your schedule
— Find your business is taking over your life
— Have goals to accomplish this year, and not sure how to do it
— Want support to create a plan you can actually implement
— Need accountability to plan ahead
— Want to build momentum with your priorities


You're in great company.


Come join me and others as we set aside time to proactively plan this month, live. We'll be reflecting on our priorities, planning what's most important, and looking at how to incorporate personal and business priorities into an action plan.


about your host


Kathryn Hofer, Modern Planner is passionate about helping others live a quality life. With over a decade of experience executing live events, organizing teams and projects, and running a non-profit, she has focused her attention on educating others about the value of planning.



By looking at what worked and didn't work from the past month, we'll adjust our actioin plan to be more effective.

We will make sure our priorities are present, and that we are making time for the most important things.

We will create a step by step action plan to accomplish the priorities of the month.

Let's get our plan into our calendar!


1 Month $25 CAD (approx $20 USD)


She said, she said.

What other's are saying who have joined a planning party


“It gave me incentive to carve out time to plan ahead for next month, as well as giving me several great ideas of how to better plan and organize my calendar and subsequently my life.”

— Megan Gesler

“The broken down way of planning was super helpful.”

— Sydney Bosman

“I've had a paper planner since the start of the year and I feel like I've just been dabbling. This workshop has succienctly given me real tools to get the most out of my planner and the planning process!”

— Sarah Baxter

“I loved joining the Planning Party!! After our call, I felt so much more intentional and in control of my month. I even said "no" to two things I probably would have added to my already full month because I knew my commitments and limitations. Thank you Kathryn!!”

— Ashley Mackey Cox

“I have some good ideas about how to better use my time.”

— Sarah Martin