Save Your Time

The FREE, 5—day email course to free your time.

Lesson Three

Today we are talking about what really matters, and looking at the mindset many of us have struggled with I have to do everything.

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by the amount of items on your to do list, or under immense pressure because you feel like you can’t let any single one of the balls you are juggling drop? For many of us, we feel like we have to do it all. And if we don’t, we consider it a failure.

Are you trying to do it all? Be the perfect partner, buy the right gifts, impress your boss, keep all your clients happy, spend quality time with your kids, and plan Pinterest worthy parties? If so, it has probably caught up with you at some point. The bottom line is, we can’t do everything.

We are human, and have physical restrictions. Our time, energy and willpower are all exhaustible. And when we spread ourselves too thin no one gets our best.

Let me share a personal example with you. When we were first married, I came home every night exhausted. I would be at home with my husband, but I wasn’t present. I didn’t have energy for even a conversation. I began to uncover the difference between time + energy.

We only have a certain amount of energy for each day. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Which means we need to determine who the most important people are, and what the most important tasks are that deserve our time, energy and attention. In my life, I had to choose to place my marriage in a place of importance and make changes to support that.

Today’s mindset shift, rather than saying: I have to do everything, we want to change it to I will do what’s most important.

And choose that in every moment. Do the one thing that’s most important each moment. Be present in each moment you have.

I also want to encourage you to dream bit. Think about the vision for your future, and what important task you could do right now that will help you get there.

Here’s a question to think about: What is my moment right now, and what is most important?

Choose what is most important to you in this moment. Your moment might be the next 5 minutes, it might be the day, or the week. Determine your moment, and what is most important – then do it. Don’t try to do it all.

Let’s make this mindset shift today: from I have to do everything to… I will do what’s most important.


A note from Kathryn…

I hope you are enjoying this free video course. It comes from such a deep place of conviction in my life and has made a huge impact on hundreds of students over the last 6 years.

The question becomes… where do you go from here? How do you take these simple truths about life, time, schedule and priorities and begin to implement them?

Sometimes we need support to know how to take the next steps.

Sometimes we need accountability to make the progress we want to see.

Sometimes we need regular reminders to let go of the guilt.

Sometimes we need permission to focus, and not try to do all the things.

If that resonates with you, my group program where we can celebrate our progress towards the future we want to experience rather than chase perfection, might be a great fit for you.

I want to teach you how the power of planning can make a huge difference in your life.