What Managing Time Is Really About
In this episode, I share with you the two things I believe time management is really about so you can start being more effective with your time.
Download the free Priority Audit worksheet below, and determine your priorities today!
Have you ever said something like, “I just need more time” or “I’m never going to get everything done”?
Have you ever said something like, “I just need more time” or “I’m never going to get everything done”?
Maybe you found yourself running late, not being prepared, missing deadlines, or always being tired.
You are not alone.
And that is why an entire time management industry has been created. Our culture is obsessed with tricks, hacks and productivity, in an effort to manage our time better.
The trouble is, we can’t actually manage time.
Be more effective with your time
In this video, I share with you the two things I believe time management is really about so you can start being more effective with your time.
And, to help you start determining your priorities, I have created a free worksheet called the Priority Audit just for you.
It will walk you through the process of determining where your energy and attention is in any given area of your life or business, allowing you to choose what is best for you.
Sign up below to get your free, fillable worksheet, and start prioritizing today!