Your Life On Purpose
In this episode, I am going to share with you more of my personal journey to living an intentional life, and three main reasons why I believe that being purposeful can change your life and business.
And, sign up below to get a bonus video training called the Activity Audit today!
Feel overwhelmed, and like you can never catch up? I have learned the hard way that if I am not purposeful about my decisions, then it only adds to the overwhelm of life.
I had a great start in life. I was raised in an amazing family with parents who loved me. I was the typical teacher’s pet in elementary, overachiever in high school, and worked hard to keep everything in my life perfect.
Then my 20’s arrived. And with them, the consequences of trying to do it all for so long. You might not have the physical health issues forcing you to take a look at your life like I did. But if you’re anything like so many others out there, you still feel overwhelmed, and like you can never catch up.
Living an Intentional Life
In this video, I am going to share with you more of my personal journey to living an intentional life, and three main reasons why I believe that being purposeful can change your life and business.
I’ve also created a bonus video where I walk you through my Activity Audit, an exercise that allows me to get a big picture of everything I am in involved in, and evaluate it. Just click the link below and I’ll send you a link to the video so you can get started today.
Sign up below to get a bonus video training called the Activity Audit